SVG Shapes Advanced

SVG Shapes Advanced

In [1]:
from IPython.display import HTML


In [2]:
            <h1>Draw Circle</h1>

Draw Circle

Draw ellipse

cx = x coordinate of the center of the ellipse
cy = y coordinate of the center of the ellipse
rx = horizental radius
ry = vertical radius
In [3]:
            <h3>Draw ellipse with outline</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <ellipse cx="120" cy="50" rx="120" ry="30" fill="yellow" />

Draw ellipse with outline

Draw multiple ellipses and stack on top of another

In [4]:
            <h3>Draw multiple ellipses and stack on top of another</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <ellipse cx="150" cy="150" rx="150" ry="30" fill="yellow" />
                 <ellipse cx="150" cy="130" rx="150" ry="30" fill="red" />
                 <ellipse cx="150" cy="110" rx="150" ry="30" fill="blue" />
                 <ellipse cx="150" cy="90" rx="150" ry="30" fill="pink" />
                 <ellipse cx="150" cy="70" rx="150" ry="30" fill="green" />

Draw multiple ellipses and stack on top of another

Draw multiple ellipses and it should be smaller than previous one. And you have to stack one top of another.

In [5]:
            <h3>Draw multiple ellipses and stack on top of another</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <ellipse cx="150" cy="150" rx="150" ry="30" fill="yellow" />
                 <ellipse cx="145" cy="130" rx="130" ry="30" fill="red" />
                 <ellipse cx="140" cy="120" rx="110" ry="20" fill="blue" />
                 <ellipse cx="135" cy="110" rx="90" ry="15" fill="green" />
                 <ellipse cx="130" cy="100" rx="70" ry="10" fill="purple" />
                 <ellipse cx="125" cy="90" rx="55" ry="8" fill="pink" />
                 <ellipse cx="120" cy="80" rx="45" ry="6" fill="red" />

Draw multiple ellipses and stack on top of another

In [6]:
            <h3>Draw multiple ellipses and stack on top of another</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <ellipse cx="150" cy="150" rx="150" ry="30" fill="yellow" />
                 <ellipse cx="145" cy="145" rx="130" ry="30" fill="red" />
                 <ellipse cx="140" cy="140" rx="110" ry="20" fill="blue" />
                 <ellipse cx="135" cy="135" rx="90" ry="15" fill="green" />
                 <ellipse cx="130" cy="130" rx="70" ry="10" fill="purple" />
                 <ellipse cx="125" cy="125" rx="55" ry="8" fill="pink" />
                 <ellipse cx="120" cy="120" rx="45" ry="6" fill="brown" />

Draw multiple ellipses and stack on top of another

Draw lines

In [7]:
            <h3>Draw red line</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="100" y2="100" stroke-width="1" stroke="red" />

Draw red line

Draw two lines

In [8]:
            <h3>Draw two lines</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="100" y2="100" stroke-width="5" stroke="red" />
                 <line x1="100" y1="100" x2="200" y2="200" stroke-width="5" stroke="green" />

Draw two lines

Draw two lines, both should intersect each other

In [9]:
            <h3>Draw two lines</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="100" y2="100" stroke-width="5" stroke="red" />
                 <line x1="100" y1="0" x2="0" y2="100" stroke-width="5" stroke="green" />

Draw two lines

In [10]:
            <h3>Draw two lines</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <line x1="0" y1="0" x2="100" y2="100" stroke-width="5" stroke="red" />
                 <line x1="100" y1="0" x2="0" y2="100" stroke-width="5" stroke="green" />
                 <line x1="0" y1="-100" x2="0" y2="100" stroke-width="5" stroke="purple" />
                 <line x1="100" y1="100" x2="100" y2="-100" stroke-width="5" stroke="yellow" />

Draw two lines

Draw Text

In [11]:
            <h3>Draw Text</h3>
            <svg width="100" height="100">
                 <text x="10" y="15" fill="red">Hello World</text>

Draw Text

Hello World
In [12]:
            <h3>Transform Text</h3>
            <svg width="100" height="100">
                 <text x="10" y="15" fill="red" transform="rotate(30)">Hello World</text>

Transform Text

Hello World

Draw polyon

In [13]:
            <h3>Draw polygon</h3>
            <svg width="200" height="200">
                 <polygon  points = "100,100 200,100, 200,200 100,200" fill = "red" />

Draw polygon

In [14]:
            <h3>Draw polygon</h3>
            <svg width="300" height="300">
                     points = "100,100 200,100, 200,200 100,200" 
                     style="stroke: red; stroke-width:3; stroke-dasharray: 10 5; fill: #ff6666;" 
                     points = "120,120 220,120, 220,220 120,220" 
                     style="stroke: yellow; stroke-width:3; stroke-dasharray: 10 5; fill: #ff6666; fill-opacity:0.5;" 

Draw polygon

Draw star

In [15]:
            <h3>Draw star</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <polygon points = "100,10 40,180" fill = "none" stroke = "red" stroke-width = "1" />

Draw star

In [16]:
#<polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180" fill = "red"/>
            <h3>Draw star</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60" fill = "none" stroke = "red" stroke-width = "1" />

Draw star

In [17]:
#<polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180" fill = "red"/>
            <h3>Draw star</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60" fill = "none" stroke = "red" stroke-width = "1" />

Draw star

In [18]:
#<polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180" fill = "red"/>
            <h3>Draw star</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180" fill = "none" stroke = "red" stroke-width = "1" />

Draw star

In [19]:
#<polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180" fill = "red"/>
            <h3>Draw star</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="200">
                 <polygon points = "100,10 40,180 190,60 10,60 160,180" fill = "red" stroke = "red" stroke-width = "1" />

Draw star

SVG Path

It can be used to create lines, curves, arcs, and more.

M = moveto
L = lineto
H = horizontal lineto
V = vertical lineto
C = curveto
S = smooth curveto
Q = quadratic Bézier curve
T = smooth quadratic Bézier curveto
A = elliptical Arc
Z = closepath
In [20]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>



Draw grid

In [21]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>



Draw grid

In [22]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>


Draw grid

In [23]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
              <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>


Draw grid

In [24]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "green" stroke-width = "2" d="M20 10 H50"/>

Draw grid

In [25]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "green" stroke-width = "2" fill = "None" d="M20 10 H50 V0"/>

Draw grid

In [26]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "green" stroke-width = "2" fill = "None" d="M20 10 H50 V0 L70 20"/>

Draw grid

In [27]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "green" stroke-width = "2" fill = "None" d="M20 10 H50 V0 L70 20 L50 40"/>

Draw grid

In [28]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "green" stroke-width = "2" fill = "None" d="M20 10 H50 V0 L70 20 L50 40 V30"/>

Draw grid

In [29]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "green" stroke-width = "2" fill = "None" d="M20 10 H50 V0 L70 20 L50 40 V30 L20 30"/>

Draw grid

In [30]:
            <h3>Draw grid</h3>
            <svg viewBox = "0 0 100 100" width="300" height="300" style = "border: 2px solid red;">

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M10 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M20 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M30 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M40 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M50 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M60 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M70 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M80 0 V100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M90 0 V100"/>

                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 10 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 20 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 30 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 40 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 50 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 60 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 70 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 80 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2" d="M0 90 H100"/>
                <path stroke = "green" stroke-width = "2" fill = "None" d="M20 10 H50 V0 L70 20 L50 40 V30 L20 30 Z"/>

Draw grid

In [31]:
            <svg viewBox="0 0 10 10" width="200" height="200">
             <path d="M2,5 C2,8 8,8 8,5" fill="None" stroke = "red" stroke-width = "0.2"/>

In [32]:
            <h3>Draw shape with path</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="300">
                     d="M100 100 L150 150 " 
                     style="fill:none; stroke:#ff0000; stroke-width:3;" />

Draw shape with path

In [33]:
            <h3>Draw shape with path</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="300">
                     d="M100 100 L150 150 L150 200" 
                     style="fill:none; stroke:#ff0000; stroke-width:3;" />

Draw shape with path

In [34]:
            <h3>Draw shape with path</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="300">
                  <path d="M 10 10 C 20 20, 40 20, 50 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 70 10 C 70 20, 110 20, 110 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 130 10 C 120 20, 180 20, 170 10" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 10 60 C 20 80, 40 80, 50 60" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 70 60 C 70 80, 110 80, 110 60" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 130 60 C 120 80, 180 80, 170 60" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 10 110 C 20 140, 40 140, 50 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 70 110 C 70 140, 110 140, 110 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>
                  <path d="M 130 110 C 120 140, 180 140, 170 110" stroke="black" fill="transparent"/>

Draw shape with path

In [35]:
            <h3>Draw shape with path</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="300">
                     d="M100 100 L150 150 L150 200 A50,50 0 1,1 100,100" 
                     style="fill:none; stroke:#ff0000; stroke-width:3;" />

Draw shape with path

In [36]:
            <h3>Draw heart</h3>
            <svg width="500" height="300">
                <path d="M 10,30
                    A 20,20 0,0,1 50,30
                    A 20,20 0,0,1 90,30
                    Q 90,60 50,90
                    Q 10,60 10,30 z"

Draw heart

Machine Learning

  1. Deal Banking Marketing Campaign Dataset With Machine Learning


  1. Difference Between Scalar, Vector, Matrix and Tensor
  2. TensorFlow Deep Learning Model With IRIS Dataset
  3. Sequence to Sequence Learning With Neural Networks To Perform Number Addition
  4. Image Classification Model MobileNet V2 from TensorFlow Hub
  5. Step by Step Intent Recognition With BERT
  6. Sentiment Analysis for Hotel Reviews With NLTK and Keras
  7. Simple Sequence Prediction With LSTM
  8. Image Classification With ResNet50 Model
  9. Predict Amazon Inc Stock Price with Machine Learning
  10. Predict Diabetes With Machine Learning Algorithms
  11. TensorFlow Build Custom Convolutional Neural Network With MNIST Dataset
  12. Deal Banking Marketing Campaign Dataset With Machine Learning


  1. How to Parallelize and Distribute Collection in PySpark
  2. Role of StringIndexer and Pipelines in PySpark ML Feature - Part 1
  3. Role of OneHotEncoder and Pipelines in PySpark ML Feature - Part 2
  4. Feature Transformer VectorAssembler in PySpark ML Feature - Part 3
  5. Logistic Regression in PySpark (ML Feature) with Breast Cancer Data Set


  1. Build the Neural Network with PyTorch
  2. Image Classification with PyTorch
  3. Twitter Sentiment Classification In PyTorch
  4. Training an Image Classifier in Pytorch

Natural Language Processing

  1. Spelling Correction Of The Text Data In Natural Language Processing
  2. Handling Text For Machine Learning
  3. Extracting Text From PDF File in Python Using PyPDF2
  4. How to Collect Data Using Twitter API V2 For Natural Language Processing
  5. Converting Text to Features in Natural Language Processing
  6. Extract A Noun Phrase For A Sentence In Natural Language Processing