
In [1]:
from xv.history.managers import RussianRevolutionManager
In [2]:
ke = RussianRevolutionManager(verbose = False)
In [3]:
0. _problem_random_question_from_rich_text
1. _problem_random_saq_question
2. _problem_random_mcq_question
In [4]:
ke.getRandomProblem(problem_type = -1)
What was the Bolsheviks' initial policy regarding the Constituent Assembly?
  1. They let the elections take place but required that 90 percent of the seats go to the Bolsheviks
  2. They let the elections take place without interference
  3. They let the elections take place but attempted to manipulate the results
  4. They cancelled the elections
In [5]:
2. They let the elections take place without interference
In [6]:
Question. What was the Bolsheviks' initial policy regarding the Constituent Assembly?
  1. They let the elections take place but required that 90 percent of the seats go to the Bolsheviks
  2. They let the elections take place without interference
  3. They let the elections take place but attempted to manipulate the results
  4. They cancelled the elections

Answer. 2. They let the elections take place without interference
In [ ]:
In [8]:
from IPython.display import HTML
n = len(ke._problemTemplates)
max_loop = 4
for j in range(0, max_loop):
    for i in range(n):
        problem_type = i
        display(HTML(f"<h2>problem_type: {problem_type}/{n-1} (loop {j}/{max_loop-1})</h2>"))
        ke.getRandomProblem(problem_type = problem_type, verbose = True)



problem_type: 0/2 (loop 0/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_question_from_rich_text
Fill in the blanks with the given words. Change the form of words if necessary.
nicholas ii, tsar, capital
The Russian Revolution of 1917 centers around two primary events: the February Revolution and the October Revolution. The February Revolution, which removed __________ __________ from power, developed spontaneously out of a series of increasingly violent demonstrations and riots on the streets of Petrograd (present-day St. Petersburg), during a time when the __________ was away from the __________ visiting troops on the World War I front.
nicholas ii, tsar, capital
The Russian Revolution of 1917 centers around two primary events: the February Revolution and the October Revolution. The February Revolution, which removed Tsar Nicholas II from power, developed spontaneously out of a series of increasingly violent demonstrations and riots on the streets of Petrograd (present-day St. Petersburg), during a time when the tsar was away from the capital visiting troops on the World War I front.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 centers around two primary events: the February Revolution and the October Revolution. The February Revolution, which removed Tsar Nicholas II from power, developed spontaneously out of a series of increasingly violent demonstrations and riots on the streets of Petrograd (present-day St. Petersburg), during a time when the tsar was away from the capital visiting troops on the World War I front.

problem_type: 1/2 (loop 0/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_saq_question
Government supervised large factories to ensure the ________ .
Minimum wages and limited hours of work
Question. Government supervised large factories to ensure the ________ .

Answer. Minimum wages and limited hours of work

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 0/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
Which representative body replaced the Constituent Assembly?
  1. The First Congress of Soviets
  2. The Executive Committee
  3. The Second Congress of Soviets
  4. The Third Congress of Soviets
2. The Executive Committee
Question. Which representative body replaced the Constituent Assembly?
  1. The First Congress of Soviets
  2. The Executive Committee
  3. The Second Congress of Soviets
  4. The Third Congress of Soviets

Answer. 2. The Executive Committee

problem_type: 0/2 (loop 1/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_question_from_rich_text
Sort the sentences into a meaningful order:
  1. The October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution) overturned the interim provisional government and established the Soviet Union.
  2. The Bolsheviks, who led this coup, prepared their coup in only six months.
  3. By October, the Bolsheviks' popular base was much larger; though still a minority within the country as a whole, they had built up a majority of support within Petrograd and other urban centers.
  4. They were generally viewed as an extremist group and had very little popular support when they began serious efforts in April 1917.
  5. The October Revolution was a much more deliberate event, orchestrated by a small group of people.
The October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution) overturned the interim provisional government and established the Soviet Union. The October Revolution was a much more deliberate event, orchestrated by a small group of people. The Bolsheviks, who led this coup, prepared their coup in only six months. They were generally viewed as an extremist group and had very little popular support when they began serious efforts in April 1917. By October, the Bolsheviks' popular base was much larger; though still a minority within the country as a whole, they had built up a majority of support within Petrograd and other urban centers.
The October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution) overturned the interim provisional government and established the Soviet Union. The October Revolution was a much more deliberate event, orchestrated by a small group of people. The Bolsheviks, who led this coup, prepared their coup in only six months. They were generally viewed as an extremist group and had very little popular support when they began serious efforts in April 1917. By October, the Bolsheviks' popular base was much larger; though still a minority within the country as a whole, they had built up a majority of support within Petrograd and other urban centers.

problem_type: 1/2 (loop 1/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_saq_question
Who was ruling over Russia when the Russian Revolution took place?
Tsar Nicholas II.
Question. Who was ruling over Russia when the Russian Revolution took place?

Answer. Tsar Nicholas II.

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 1/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
Who became the Russian foreign minister under Lenin?
  1. Trotsky
  2. Stalin
  3. Dzerzhinsky
  4. Zinoviev
1. Trotsky
Question. Who became the Russian foreign minister under Lenin?
  1. Trotsky
  2. Stalin
  3. Dzerzhinsky
  4. Zinoviev

Answer. 1. Trotsky

problem_type: 0/2 (loop 2/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_question_from_rich_text
The words have been interchanged. Please put them in proper places.
provisional government, bolsheviks, soviet
The October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution) overturned the interim provisional government and established the Bolsheviks Union. The October Revolution was a much more deliberate event, orchestrated by a small group of people. The Soviet, who led this coup, prepared their coup in only six months. They were generally viewed as an extremist group and had very little popular support when they began serious efforts in April 1917. By October, the Soviet' popular base was much larger; though still a minority within the country as a whole, they had built up a majority of support within Petrograd and other urban centers.
provisional government, bolsheviks, soviet
The October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution) overturned the interim provisional government and established the Soviet Union. The October Revolution was a much more deliberate event, orchestrated by a small group of people. The Bolsheviks, who led this coup, prepared their coup in only six months. They were generally viewed as an extremist group and had very little popular support when they began serious efforts in April 1917. By October, the Bolsheviks' popular base was much larger; though still a minority within the country as a whole, they had built up a majority of support within Petrograd and other urban centers.
The October Revolution (also called the Bolshevik Revolution) overturned the interim provisional government and established the Soviet Union. The October Revolution was a much more deliberate event, orchestrated by a small group of people. The Bolsheviks, who led this coup, prepared their coup in only six months. They were generally viewed as an extremist group and had very little popular support when they began serious efforts in April 1917. By October, the Bolsheviks' popular base was much larger; though still a minority within the country as a whole, they had built up a majority of support within Petrograd and other urban centers.

problem_type: 1/2 (loop 2/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_saq_question
Name the term which was used for elected Consultative Parliament in Russia?
Question. Name the term which was used for elected Consultative Parliament in Russia?

Answer. Duma.

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 2/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
In early October 1917 all of the following were true of the Bolsheviks except
  1. They held public debates together with members of the provisional government
  2. Many were still uneasy about going ahead with a coup
  3. The Bolsheviks' Central Committee met and decided to overthrow the provisional government
  4. They used the Smolny Institute as a headquarters
1. They held public debates together with members of the provisional government
Question. In early October 1917 all of the following were true of the Bolsheviks except
  1. They held public debates together with members of the provisional government
  2. Many were still uneasy about going ahead with a coup
  3. The Bolsheviks' Central Committee met and decided to overthrow the provisional government
  4. They used the Smolny Institute as a headquarters

Answer. 1. They held public debates together with members of the provisional government

problem_type: 0/2 (loop 3/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_question_from_rich_text
Sort the following into a meaningful sentence:
  1. the democratic process in january and
  2. dictatorship of the proletariat
  3. as a result they formally abandoned
  4. declared themselves the representatives of a
As a result, they formally abandoned the democratic process in January 1918 and declared themselves the representatives of a Dictatorship Of The Proletariat.
As a result, they formally abandoned the democratic process in January 1918 and declared themselves the representatives of a Dictatorship Of The Proletariat.

problem_type: 1/2 (loop 3/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_saq_question
Petrograd had led the February Revolution that brought down the ________ .
Monarchy in February 1917.
Question. Petrograd had led the February Revolution that brought down the ________ .

Answer. Monarchy in February 1917.

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 3/3)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
Which is true of the Bolsheviks during August and September 1917?
  1. They split into two factions
  2. Lenin was betrayed by Trotsky
  3. They sought monetary assistance from Britain
  4. They had a strong boost in popular support
4. They had a strong boost in popular support
Question. Which is true of the Bolsheviks during August and September 1917?
  1. They split into two factions
  2. Lenin was betrayed by Trotsky
  3. They sought monetary assistance from Britain
  4. They had a strong boost in popular support

Answer. 4. They had a strong boost in popular support
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:

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