
In [1]:
from xv.history.managers import FrenchRevolutionManager
In [2]:
ke = FrenchRevolutionManager(verbose = False)
In [3]:
0. _problem_random_question_from_rich_text
1. _problem_random_saq_question
2. _problem_random_mcq_question
In [8]:
ke.getRandomProblem(problem_type = 2)
What took place following the 1797 election?
  1. Napoleon was elected first consul
  2. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
  3. The royal family regained control of France
  4. Pregnant chads stirred up controversy
In [9]:
2. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
In [10]:
Question. What took place following the 1797 election?
  1. Napoleon was elected first consul
  2. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
  3. The royal family regained control of France
  4. Pregnant chads stirred up controversy

Answer. 2. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
In [ ]:
In [11]:
from IPython.display import HTML
n = len(ke._problemTemplates)
max_loop = 3
for j in range(0, max_loop):
    for i in range(n):
        problem_type = 2
        display(HTML(f"<h2>problem_type: {problem_type}/{n-1} (loop {j}/{max_loop-1})</h2>"))
        ke.getRandomProblem(problem_type = problem_type, 
                            search = 'napoleon',
                            verbose = True)



problem_type: 2/2 (loop 0/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
What took place following the 1797 election?
  1. Pregnant chads stirred up controversy
  2. The royal family regained control of France
  3. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
  4. Napoleon was elected first consul
3. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
Question. What took place following the 1797 election?
  1. Pregnant chads stirred up controversy
  2. The royal family regained control of France
  3. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
  4. Napoleon was elected first consul

Answer. 3. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 0/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
In which position did Napoleon begin his career?
  1. Landlord
  2. Government bureaucrat
  3. Army officer
  4. Doctor
3. Army officer
Question. In which position did Napoleon begin his career?
  1. Landlord
  2. Government bureaucrat
  3. Army officer
  4. Doctor

Answer. 3. Army officer

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 0/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
In which position did Napoleon begin his career?
  1. Doctor
  2. Army officer
  3. Landlord
  4. Government bureaucrat
2. Army officer
Question. In which position did Napoleon begin his career?
  1. Doctor
  2. Army officer
  3. Landlord
  4. Government bureaucrat

Answer. 2. Army officer

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 1/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
Which of the following men sat on the final Directory?
  1. Honor? de Balzac
  2. Napoleon
  3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s
  4. Jacques-Pierre Brissot
3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s
Question. Which of the following men sat on the final Directory?
  1. Honor? de Balzac
  2. Napoleon
  3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s
  4. Jacques-Pierre Brissot

Answer. 3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 1/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
Which of the following lists of events is in correct chronological order (from earliest to latest)?
  1. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror
  2. The Directory takes dictatorial powers; Napoleon overthrows the Directory; Robespierre is executed, Declaration of Pillnitz
  3. Estates-General convenes; Civil Constitution of the Clergy is issued; Louis XVI is executed; storming of the Bastille
  4. National Assembly is established; Reign of Terror; Declaration of Pillnitz; Louis XVI attempts to flee France
1. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror
Question. Which of the following lists of events is in correct chronological order (from earliest to latest)?
  1. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror
  2. The Directory takes dictatorial powers; Napoleon overthrows the Directory; Robespierre is executed, Declaration of Pillnitz
  3. Estates-General convenes; Civil Constitution of the Clergy is issued; Louis XVI is executed; storming of the Bastille
  4. National Assembly is established; Reign of Terror; Declaration of Pillnitz; Louis XVI attempts to flee France

Answer. 1. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 1/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
In which position did Napoleon begin his career?
  1. Landlord
  2. Army officer
  3. Doctor
  4. Government bureaucrat
2. Army officer
Question. In which position did Napoleon begin his career?
  1. Landlord
  2. Army officer
  3. Doctor
  4. Government bureaucrat

Answer. 2. Army officer

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 2/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
Which of the following men sat on the final Directory?
  1. Jacques-Pierre Brissot
  2. Honor? de Balzac
  3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s
  4. Napoleon
3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s
Question. Which of the following men sat on the final Directory?
  1. Jacques-Pierre Brissot
  2. Honor? de Balzac
  3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s
  4. Napoleon

Answer. 3. Emmanuel-Joseph Siey?s

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 2/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
What took place following the 1797 election?
  1. Napoleon was elected first consul
  2. The royal family regained control of France
  3. Pregnant chads stirred up controversy
  4. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
4. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them
Question. What took place following the 1797 election?
  1. Napoleon was elected first consul
  2. The royal family regained control of France
  3. Pregnant chads stirred up controversy
  4. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them

Answer. 4. The government was unhappy with the results and annulled a majority of them

problem_type: 2/2 (loop 2/2)

Problem Template: _problem_random_mcq_question
Which of the following lists of events is in correct chronological order (from earliest to latest)?
  1. National Assembly is established; Reign of Terror; Declaration of Pillnitz; Louis XVI attempts to flee France
  2. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror
  3. Estates-General convenes; Civil Constitution of the Clergy is issued; Louis XVI is executed; storming of the Bastille
  4. The Directory takes dictatorial powers; Napoleon overthrows the Directory; Robespierre is executed, Declaration of Pillnitz
2. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror
Question. Which of the following lists of events is in correct chronological order (from earliest to latest)?
  1. National Assembly is established; Reign of Terror; Declaration of Pillnitz; Louis XVI attempts to flee France
  2. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror
  3. Estates-General convenes; Civil Constitution of the Clergy is issued; Louis XVI is executed; storming of the Bastille
  4. The Directory takes dictatorial powers; Napoleon overthrows the Directory; Robespierre is executed, Declaration of Pillnitz

Answer. 2. Tennis Court Oath; storming of the Bastille; First Republic is declared; Reign of Terror
In [ ]:

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